RAY is hiring!

We are looking to fill three positions:

Parternships & Development Officer

Volunteer Coordinator

Project Worker

The Partnerships and Development Officer will work 18.5 hours per week on a 12 month contract at NJC Scale 23-28 (£17.34-19.72ph).

Through this new organisational role, you will enable RAY to diversify and grow fundraising income and see improved long-term sustainability. You will build engagement and partnerships with local organisations, funders and businesses as well as the wider public.

For more information:

Ad for PDO

Job Description for PDO

Person Specification for PDO

Please direct any queries regarding this role to carrie@refugeeactionyork.com.

The Volunteer Coordinator will work 18.5 hours per week on a 12 month contract at NJC Scale SCP 18-22 (£15.88-£16.97ph).

This is a key role within this small organisation and is integral to its ongoing development and success. the purpose of the role is to:

  • Coordinate the team of volunteers, ensuring skills and abilities are matched to the roles, and providing adequate cover for key projects and services.

  • Provide support and supervision to volunteers.

  • Encourage and support members of the refugee and migrant communities with whom we work to volunteer.

For more information:

Ad for VC

Job Description for VC

Person Specification for VC

Please direct any queries regarding this role to sarah@refugeeactionyork.com.

The Project Worker will work 18.5 hours per week on a 12 month contract at NJC Scale SCP 18-22 (£15.88-£16.97ph).

This role will be responsible for delivering projects and service user support as directed by the Operations Manager. These will vary over time according to funding and priorities but will initially include providing information and support to service users and the planning and running of a weekly drop-in session.

For more information:

Ad for PW

Job Description for PW

Person Specification for PW

Please direct any queries regarding this role to meg@refugeeactionyork.com.

For all roles:

Please complete the Application Form and send by email to carrie@refugeeactionyork.com.

The closing date for receipt of applications is 9am on 1st April 2025.

Any applications received after this time will not be considered.